Song Biotechnologies, LLC provides the research community direct access to the highest level of in vivo microcirculatory analysis through trans- and epi-illumination techniques. With cutting edge phosphorescence and fluorescence microscopy, our in vivo microcirculatory capabilities include measuring interstitial and intravascular oxygenation, blood flow, endothelial dysfunction, tracking of nano molecules, and much more. Additionally, our setup is configurable to accommodate different experimental animal models and parameters of interest.
Microcirculatory preparations are visualized by trans-illuminated bright field microscopy, which allows for real-time viewing and recording of vascular beds in stunning detail. This striking imagery is produced from thin tissue preparations, such as the rat spinotrapezius muscle, and coupled with top-of-the-line optics from Carl Zeiss and ultra-high-definition (4K) cameras capable of recording at over 90 frames per second.
Investigating the microcirculation - which includes arterioles, capillaries, and venules - is powerful for several reasons, but mainly because it lies as a focal point between whole animal/organ physiology and the sub-cellular and biochemical arena. It is where peripheral blood flow resistance is determined, the majority of gas exchange occurs, and leukocytes infiltrate the peri-vasculature during an acute-phase immunological response. When combined with standard investigational parameters such as cardiovascular workups, blood chemistry and/or molecular bioassays, microcirculatory dynamics provide a complete experimental investigation.
In vivo experimentation provides a customizable platform for robust data collection. Continuous measurements of animal physiology paired with discrete biomarker sampling work to create an elegant description of how experimental intervention affects systems biology from the macro to the micro-scale.
Physiology is the study of how biological systems function and their communication with other systems. It is more holistic than reductionist and applies to the organ, tissue, and cellular levels. It reveals the synergistic impact of experimental intervention on the normal operation of these systems and provides a top-down guide to the specific mechanisms involved.
Blood, fluid, and cellular micro-sampling during experimentation help resolve the development of transcriptional, translational, and cell-to-cell signaling processes. Endpoint harvest and post-processing of tissues, organs, and fluids allow for focused and global assessments of experimental outcomes.
Song Biotechnologies, LLC provides the research community direct access to the highest level of in vivo microcirculatory analysis through trans- and epi-illumination techniques. With cutting edge phosphorescence and fluorescence microscopy, our in vivo microcirculatory capabilities include measuring interstitial and intravascular oxygenation, blood flow, endothelial dysfunction, tracking nanomolecules, and much more. In addition, our setup is configurable to accommodate different experimental animal models and parameters of interest.