Primary Topics: Microcirculation, Hemoglobin-Based Oxygen Carrier (HBOC), and Tissue Oxygenation (PO2)

Secondary Topics: Vasoactivity, Oxygen Affinity (P50), Viscosity

Oxygenation through oral Ox66 in a two-hit rodent model of respiratory distress

Song BK, Carr DA, Bruce ED, Nugent WH

Artifical Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology2024

Nugent WH, Sheppard FR, Vandegriff KD, Schindler WM, Malavalli A, Song BK

Evaluation of an Injectable, Solid-State, Oxygen-Delivering Compound (Ox66) in a Rodent Model of Pulmonary Dysfunction-Induced Hypoxia

Carr DA, Nugent WH, Bruce ED, Song BK

Military Medicine2022
Gavage approach to oxygen supplementation with oxygen therapeutic Ox66™ in a hypoventilation rodent model of respiratory distress

Nugent WH, Carr DA, MacBryde R, Bruce ED, Song BK

Artifical Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology2021
Systemic and microvascular comparison of Lactated Ringer's solution, VIR-HBOC, and alpha-alpha crosslinked haemoglobin-based oxygen carrier in a rat 10% topload model

Song BK, Light WR, Vandegriff KD, Tucker J, Nugent WH

Artifical Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology2020
Improved Hemodynamic Recovery and 72-Hour Survival Following Low-Volume Resuscitation with a PEGylated Carboxyhemoglobin in a Rat Model of Severe Hemorrhagic Shock

Macko A, Sheppard FR, Nugent WH, Abuchowski A, Song BK.

Military Medicine2020
Microvascular and Systemic Impact of Resuscitation with Pegylated Carboxyhemoglobin-Based Oxygen Carrier or Hetastarch in a Rat Model of Transient Hemorrhagic Shock.

Nugent WH, Sheppard FR, Dubick MA, Cestero RF, Darlington DN, Jubin R, Abuchowski A, Song BK.

Effects of SANGUINATE® on Systemic and Microcirculatory Variables in a Model of Prolonged Hemorrhagic Shock.

Nugent WH, Cestero RF, Ward K, Jubin R, Abuchowski A, Song BK.

Shock 2019
Microvascular and Systemic Responses to Novel PEGylated Carboxyhaemoglobin-based Oxygen Carrier in a Rat Model of Vaso-Occlusive Crisis.

Nugent WH, Jubin R, Buontempo PJ, Kazo F, Song BK.

Artifical Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology2019
Oral Ingestion of a Novel Oxygenating Compound, Ox66™, is Non-Toxic and has the Potential to Increase Oxygenation.

Zhang F, Aquino GV, Dabi A, Nugent WH, Song BK, Bruce ED.

Food and Chemical Toxicology 2019
Effects of a Hemoglobin-Based Oxygen Carrier (HBOC-201) and Derivatives with Altered Oxygen Affinity and Viscosity on Systemic and Microcirculatory Variables in a Top-load Rat Model.

Song BK, Nugent WH, Moon-Massat PF, Pittman RN.

Microvascular Research2014
Effects of Top-loading a Zero-link Bovine Hemoglobin (ZL-HbBv), OxyVita

Song BK, Nugent WH, Moon-Massat PF, Auker CR, McCarron R, Pittman RN.

Military Medicine 2013

Primary Topics: Microcirculation and Tissue Oxygenation (PO2)

Secondary Topics: Oxygen Consumption (VO2), Nitric Oxide (NO), Blood Flow (Q)

Spike of interstitial PO2 produced by a twitch in rhythmically contracted muscle

Golub AS, Nugent WH, Song BK

Physiological Reports2021
Physiological and Microvascular Responses to Hemoglobin Concentration-Targeted Hemolytic Anemia in Rats

Nugent WH, Carr DA, Macko A, Song BK

Journal of Applied Physiology2020
Simultaneous Sampling of Tissue Oxygenation and Oxygen Consumption in Skeletal Muscle.

Nugent WH, Song BK, Pittman RN, Golub AS

Microvascular Research2016
A Paradigm Shift for Local Blood Flow Regulation.

Golub AS, Pittman RN.

Microvascular Research2014
Muscle Contraction Increases Interstitial Nitric Oxide as Predicted by a New Model of Local Blood Flow Regulation.

Golub AS, Song BK, Pittman RN.

Journal of Physiology 2014
Bang-Bang Model for Regulation of Local Blood Flow.

Golub AS, Pittman RN.

Oxygen Dependence of Respiration in Rat Spinotrapezius Muscle in situ.

Golub AS, Pittman RN.

American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology 2012
The Rate of O2 Loss from Mesenteric Arterioles is Not Unusually High.

Golub AS, Song BK, Pittman RN.

American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology2011
Phosphorescence Quenching Microrespirometry of Skeletal Muscle in situ.

Golub AS, Pittman RN.

American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology 2010
Erythrocyte-Associated Transients in PO2 Revealed in Capillaries of Rat Mesentery.

Golub AS, Pittman RN.

American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology 2009

Primary Topics: Extravasation, Endothelial Dysfunction, Fluorescence Microscopy

Novel transdermal curcumin therapeutic preserves endothelial barrier function in a high-dose LPS rat model

Nugent WH, Carr DA, Friedman J, Song BK

Artifical Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology2023